Wednesday, April 26, 2017

More Freshness

My son wonders if the chicken he ate was the rooster that stays under his window?  We'll find out 


Fresh. Fresh. Freshest Food

The prices are UNBELIEVABLE!!!!
This is what Siantele wrote:
I was at the outdoor market when I was buying vegetables. 8 tomatoes for .50 cents, 3lbs of sweet potatoes for $1, 30 eggs for $3.50 a loaf of bread for .79 cents."
I'm going home to Africa!!!!!
Dee also posted that 6:30 it gets dark. There are no televisions or wifi. He has books to read and he talks to the locals. 
Very very interesting.  

The Zambia Pics Just Keep Coming

A beautiful scenery. Living in the city, it's hard to believe there is such a beautiful place on earth. 

Dee In Zambia

Hello all, Dee is having a wonderful time in Zambia. I am glad he was able to go. This is the week they are brain-storming to get things together and see what the vision is for the future, as far as the computers and the networks. They want to be able to allow users to get ebooks from anywhere. 
Here are more pictures. I can only post five at a time. Look for the next post. I think I am going to post as he posts.      

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

My Prince In Zambia

My son has a blog:
If you wish you could follow along on his trip to Zambia. 

My Prince In Zambia

My oldest prince is in Zambia. He will be there for 23 days. He is helping to build a school's computer network. I am so extremely proud of him. He has been taking certificate courses for computers and getting nothing but "A"s'. So he is the "IT" guy!!!   He told us something that proves beyond even a shadow of doubt that the Africans are the original chosen of Yahweh. He was given s name by the Clan. This the way he wrote;
"I have a Tonga name now. So my Clan name (Last name) is Mu-denda the animal that represents that tribe is the Elephant lol. They though that would be appropriate because of my considerable mass lmao. My first name is Siantele which is a quick animal like a Meerkat that is hard to catch but tough and can pop in and out of holes quickly. So I'm Siantele Mudenda."
That is what the "name" denotes character. 
No pictures yet. Will post when I get them. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Day Off

Today I had the day off from work. I went to visit my daughters and the babies. Aydonis loves to see what's going on. He also loves his hands. He fights to get those hands in his mouth. 
My day was made when Aioki and Nilly  told me something that touched my heart. 
They told me I would have to stay with them until they become grandparents!!!  I have so much love for them. 
They are my babies. I saw Sanaii today. She is growing ro he a very ni young lady. 
I went with Lisa to Costc's and Target. We had a very nice time together. 
It was good seeing Dee also. 
It is always wonderful seeing my family. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Rainy Day

Today was a very rainy day. But that didn't slow things at work. They just kept coming. Which is ok, except, I don't quite understand what the upper people are thinking. I understand there are regulations and all, but, this is ridiculous. 
But I tell you this, part of my job description is catching leprechaun and farting rainbows. 

Monday, April 3, 2017

Yerba Mate

My Chris and my Ingrid went to Uruguay last month. They brought me the most beautiful gift. Yerba Mate. I had my first drink last night and it is very nice. I love it. I want to learn how to use the Yerba herb in my tea infuser.